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Master TFT: Teamfight Tactics Strategies & Tips

Welcome to our guide on mastering TFT: Teamfight Tactics! Whether you’re a new player looking to climb the ranked ladder or a seasoned veteran aiming to optimize your gameplay, this article is here to provide you with valuable strategies and tips. TFT: Teamfight Tactics is a team-based strategy game where you compete against other players by building synergistic teams, planning your moves strategically, and optimizing your item choices. In this article, we will cover the meta comps, item optimization, and gameplay tactics that can give you the edge in the competitive auto battler scene.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the team-based strategy game, TFT: Teamfight Tactics
  • Exploring the meta comps and how they can give you an advantage
  • Optimizing your item choices for maximum impact
  • Developing gameplay tactics to outsmart your opponents
  • Gaining insights on how to climb the ranked ladder to reach the Master rank

Breaking the Rules: Leveling and Item Strategies

One effective strategy in TFT is to break the conventional rules of leveling and itemizing. By employing different leveling strategies, players can gain an advantage and adapt to different game scenarios. For example, aggressive leveling involves leveling up early to extend a win streak and maintain board strength. On the other hand, greedy leveling focuses on saving health and earning more gold by delaying level-ups.

When it comes to itemizing, there are various strategies to consider. Carry first itemizing prioritizes building the best-in-slot items for a strong carry champion, maximizing their damage output and carry potential. On the other hand, slam itemizing emphasizes immediate board strength by equipping utility items that provide immediate benefits to the team.

Understanding when and how to break these leveling and itemizing rules can give players an edge in TFT: Teamfight Tactics. The key is to assess the game state, the available champions and items, and the composition of other players. By adapting your strategy and making informed decisions, you can increase your chances of success on the ranked ladder.

Matching Strategies: Combining Leveling and Item Choices

The key to success in TFT: Teamfight Tactics lies in utilizing matching strategies to maximize your chances of victory. By aligning your leveling and item choices, you can adapt to different game scenarios and dominate the competition.

Aggressive Leveling and Slam Itemizing

Aggressive leveling is a bold strategy that involves reaching higher levels earlier than your opponents, gaining access to more powerful units and synergies. To complement this style, it is crucial to slam items onto your champions as soon as possible.

When you prioritize aggressive leveling, seize the opportunity to equip your champions with essential items as quickly as you can. This not only strengthens your board but also increases your chances of securing victories.

Greedy Leveling and Carry-First Itemizing

On the other hand, if you choose to adopt a greedy leveling strategy and accumulate gold for a stronger economy, it’s important to synchronize your item choices accordingly. In this case, focus on prioritizing items for your carry champion.

By itemizing your carry champion first, you ensure that they have the necessary tools to dominate the battlefield. This approach allows you to secure wins even with a weaker overall board composition.

Adaptation is the Key

In TFT, being adaptable is essential to achieving victory. In different situations, you may need to switch between aggressive leveling and greedy leveling strategies based on your position in the game and the strength of your opponents.

Remember, the key to success lies in finding the optimal balance between leveling and item choices, aligning them with your overall game plan. By doing so, you’ll be well-equipped to handle any challenges that come your way in TFT: Teamfight Tactics.

Positioning: Not Always About Winning Rounds

In TFT: Teamfight Tactics, positioning is a crucial aspect of gameplay strategy. While winning rounds is typically the primary goal, there are strategic situations where players may intentionally position their units to lose early on. This unconventional approach is often used when players are playing a greedy game and aiming for a lose streak in order to gain additional gold.

By intentionally losing rounds and maintaining a lose streak, players accumulate more gold over time, which can be advantageous in the later stages of the game. This extra gold can be used to level up quickly or roll for higher-cost units, allowing players to make a stronger comeback in the later stages.

On the other hand, players who are aggressively leveling may adopt a different positioning strategy. Aggressive levelers invest their resources in quickly reaching higher levels to gain access to stronger units and synergies. In this case, spending more time scouting the opposing boards and adjusting positioning becomes important to ensure victory in rounds and maintain their win streak.

positioning in TFT: Teamfight Tactics

Understanding the strategic aspects of positioning is key to achieving success in TFT: Teamfight Tactics. It goes beyond simply winning rounds, and players must make decisions based on their current game strategy and goals. Whether it’s aiming for a win streak or setting up for a comeback, positioning plays a vital role in maximizing your chances of success.

Econ Strategies: Aggressive Economy, Greedy Economy, Balanced Economy

Managing the economy is a crucial aspect of TFT: Teamfight Tactics. The way you handle your resources can greatly impact your chances of success in the game. In this section, we will discuss three different econ strategies that players can employ to optimize their gameplay: aggressive economy, greedy economy, and balanced economy.

Aggressive Economy

The aggressive economy strategy focuses on power spiking early and maintaining a win streak. Players using this strategy prioritize leveling up quickly to gain an advantage over their opponents and secure victories in the early stages of the game. By doing so, they accumulate more gold from winning rounds, allowing them to further strengthen their team and maintain their lead.

Greedy Economy

The greedy economy strategy takes a different approach, sacrificing the early game to accumulate more gold for higher tier units in the later stages. Players employing this strategy prioritize saving gold and avoiding unnecessary rerolls or leveling up. By accumulating more gold, they can afford to buy higher quality units and roll for powerful synergies later, aiming for a strong late-game performance.

Balanced Economy

The balanced economy strategy aims for consistent performance by making good decisions and being favored by fortune. Players utilizing this strategy strike a balance between leveling up, rerolling, and saving gold, adapting their approach based on the current game situation. This strategy allows for flexibility and the ability to adjust to different scenarios, ensuring a steady progression throughout the game.

Each econ strategy has its own strengths and weaknesses. The aggressive economy prioritizes early dominance but may struggle in the late game against opponents with stronger economies. The greedy economy focuses on a strong late-game performance but may face challenges in the early game. The balanced economy provides a middle ground, offering consistent performance and adaptability.

To determine the best econ strategy to employ, players must consider their playstyle, the current game situation, and the strengths and weaknesses of each strategy. Experimentation and practice will help players find the ideal balance that suits their gameplay preferences and maximizes their chances of success.

Econ Strategies Image


Establishing a strong economy, breaking the rules of leveling and itemizing, strategically positioning units, and understanding different econ strategies are all crucial elements in achieving success in TFT: Teamfight Tactics. By effectively managing your resources, you can create an advantage for yourself and seize opportunities on the battlefield.

Throughout this article, we have provided insightful strategies and tips to help you navigate the ever-changing conditions of TFT. From aggressive leveling and greedy itemizing to adaptive positioning and smart econ strategies, it’s important to stay flexible and adapt to the needs of each game.

However, it’s essential to remember that TFT is a game with countless variables, and success is not guaranteed. While following these strategies and implementing solid resource management techniques can greatly improve your chances of success, there will be occasions where luck and circumstance may play a significant role. Don’t be discouraged by setbacks, but rather focus on making sound decisions and continuously improving your gameplay.

Good luck in your TFT journey! By incorporating the knowledge gained from this article into your gameplay, we believe you can achieve top placements and compete at the highest level in TFT: Teamfight Tactics.

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